Monday 8 February 2016

Science and Technology News in the month of January

France to partner India in its next Mars mission which the Indian NASA plans to launch in 2018
        France will partner India in its next Mars mission, which the Indian Space Research Organisation plans to launch in 2018. French space agency, CNES has signed a letter of intent with the ISRO for French participation in the next Mars mission.
        India’s first Mars mission was a technology demonstrator. Its success led to the planning of Mars-2 mission for carrying out more substantive scientific experiments.
        As the slot in 2016 is out of question because of the non-availability of a suitable launch vehicle, the plan is to have the second mission in 2018 when the reliable PSLV could be used.
NASA to Test First Integrated-Photonics Modem
       NASA’s first-ever “integrated-photonics” modem will be tested aboard the International Space Station beginning in 2020 as part of Nasa’s multi-year Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD).
       The cell phone-sized device incorporates optics-based functions such as lasers, switches and wires onto a microchip much like an integrated circuit found in all electronics hardware.
       Once aboard the ISS, the so-called Integrated LCRD LEO (Low-Earth Orbit) User Modem and Amplifier (ILLUMA) will serve as a low-Earth orbit terminal for NASA’s LCRD, demonstrating yet another capability for high-speed, laser-based communications.
Japan unveiled country’s first stealth fighter aircraft X-2.
       Japan unveiled country’s first stealth fighter aircraft X-2. The domestically-built fighter aircraft seeks to augment defence capabilities of the country that is surrounded by China and Russia that already have radar-evading aircraft technology.
       X-2 is expected to undergo its first test-flight in February 2016.
Lt Governor of Puducherry AK Singh launched the MITRA mobile application
       Lt Governor of Puducherry AK Singh launched the MITRA mobile application to ensure safety and security of women in the Union Territory.
       The app was launched in the presence of the Chief Minister N Rangasamy in Puducherry.
       Features of MITRA app:
o   The Android based application can send emergency SOS messages when in danger or emergency.
o   To launch the application, the person in danger need only press the power button of his/her mobile three times.
A permanent memorial of India’s first aircraft carrier INS Vikrant has been unveiled in Mumbai
       A permanent memorial of India’s first aircraft carrier INS Vikrant has been unveiled in Mumbai by Vice Admiral S.P.S. Cheema, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Western Naval Command, and Municipal Commissioner Ajoy Mehta.
       The memorial stands at a traffic island opposite the Lion Gate near the Naval Dockyard in south Mumbai.
Indigenously-built surface-to-air Akash missile was successfully test fired
       Indigenously-built surface-to-air Akash missile was successfully test fired from complex-3 of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipuri in Odisha.
       Test: It was as part of a user trial mission in which 3 rounds of test were carried out by Indian Air Force (IAF) aiming at para-barrel targets.
Heena Sidhu Secures Olympic Quota With Gold Medal at the Asia Olympic Qualifiers
       India’s top pistol shooter Heena Sidhu has secured an Olympic quota for the country after she led from start to finish and claimed the gold medal in women’s 10-m air pistol on day one of competition at the Asia Olympic Qualifiers for Shooting.
       This was India’s ninth quota from shooting for the upcoming Olympic Games.
       The current world record holder and former world number one, Heena shot 199.4 in the eight-women finals to finish ahead of Chinese Taipei’s Tien Chia Chen (198.1) and Gim Yun Mi (177.9) of Korea at the Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range.
Pakistan Cricketer Imran Farhat retired from International Cricket
       Pakistan’s discarded Test opening batsman Imran Farhat announced his retirement from international cricket in a bid to appear in the Masters Champions League (MCL), which commences in Dubai
       Farhat, made the decision after meeting the officials of the Pakistan Cricket Board and got a No-Objection Certificate to participate in the MCL.
Olympic gold medalist Matthew Mitcham retired from diving
       Matthew Mitcham, the Australian Olympic diving gold medalist, announced his retirement from the sport.
       Mitcham won gold at the 2008 Beijing Games with the highest-scoring single dive in Olympic history – four of the seven 10m platform judges gave him a perfect 10.
Astronomers discovered the largest known solar system
       Astronomers have discovered the largest known solar system in the form of gas giant located one trillion kilometres away.
       This solar system has large planet known as 2MASS J2126-8140 that takes nearly a million years to orbit its star.
Intelsat, the commercial satellite giant announced that Inteslat 29e, the first of the Intelsat EpicNG high throughput satellites, was successfully launched
       Intelsat, the commercial satellite giantannounced that Inteslat 29e, the first of the Intelsat EpicNG high throughput satellites, was successfully launched. The satellites were launched from French Guiana aboard an Ariane 5 vehicle.
       The high throughput platform should provide customers with superior connections at a lower cost.
India is all set to build a satellite tracking and imaging centre in southern Vietnam
       India is all set to build a satellite tracking and imaging centre in southern Vietnam. It is decided to provide Hanoi a full time access to pictures from Indian earth observation satellites that cover the region, including China and the South China Sea.
       The move is set to deepen ties between India and Vietnam, who both have long-running territorial disputes with China.
A total of five minor planets have been named after top Chinese scientists
       A total of five minor planets have been named after top Chinese scientists, including the country’s first Nobel laureate scientist Tu Youyou.
       The naming was suggested by the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Minor Planet Center (MPC). Chinese vice premier Liu Yandong awarded scientists certificates at the ceremony.
Scientists spotted the potential planet by seeing the disturbances that it is causing in the gravitational field of the far solar system.
       Scientists spotted the potential planet by seeing the disturbances that it is causing in the gravitational field of the far solar system. There appears to be a great perturber upsetting the movement of other objects in that far away region.
       Konstantin Batygin and Michael E. Brown, the researchers at the California Institute of Technology claimed it as a possible ninth planet and their research papers were published in The Astronomical Journal with the title ‘Evidence for a distant Giant Planet in the Solar System.’
Scientists have discovered a new bird species named Himalayan Forest Thrush in northeastern India
       Scientists have discovered a new bird species named Himalayan Forest Thrush in northeastern India and adjacent parts of China.
       It has been given scientific name Zoothera salimalii after ornithologist and naturalist Salim Ali who has made significant contributions to ornithology in India.
NASA announced that it had formalized its ongoing program for detecting and tracking NEOs
       National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced that it had formalized its ongoing program for detecting and tracking near-Earth objects (NEOs) as the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO).
       It will remain within NASA's Planetary Science Division under Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
India and Oman will conduct 10th edition of bilateral maritime exercise ‘Naseem Al Bahr’
       India and Oman will conduct 10th edition of bilateral maritime exercise ‘Naseem Al Bahr’ in the Arabian Sea from January 22 to January 27, 2016. Two Oman Navy ships RNOV Al-Shamikh and RNOV Al-Seeb, which will also participate in IFR 2016, entered the port of Goa.
IBM signed a MoU with the NRSC to monitor the mining activities in the country through satellite technology
       Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) has signed a MoU with the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) to monitor the mining activities in the country through satellite technology.
       As part of the MoU, IBM would set up an exclusive remote sensing cell under the technical guidance of the NRSC at its offices in Nagpur and Hyderabad.
Researchers have discovered a new genus of tree hole-breeding frogs named Frankixalus
       Researchers have discovered a new genus of tree hole-breeding frogs named Frankixalus in the forests of northeast India and bordering parts of China.
       It was discovered by team of researchers led by Professor Sathyabhama Das Biju who is popularly known as the frogman of India.
Hundreds of endangered Olive Ridley turtles, besides a bottlenose dolphin, were found dead on Puri beach in Odisha.
       Hundreds of endangered Olive Ridley turtles, besides a bottlenose dolphin, were found dead on Puri beach in Odisha. The turtles were lying scattered stretching from Digabarini and Chakratirtha Road on the Puri beach.
       Forest department officials revealed that the turtles may have been hit by trawlers fishing along the Puri beach in Orissa.
       Local fishermen often flout the ban on fishing along the coast, disturbing the natural nesting space of turtles.
ISRO successfully launched the Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) 1-E satellite
       The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) successfully launched the Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) 1-E satellite. The satellite will provide navigation, tracking and mapping services to the Indian sub continent.
       The satellite is the fifth of the IRNSS constellation. It was launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SHAR), Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on-board the PSLV-C31.
An unmanned SpaceX Falcon rocket exploded on landing after successfully delivering an ocean monitoring satellite to orbit.
       An unmanned SpaceX Falcon rocket exploded on landing after successfully delivering an ocean monitoring satellite to orbit. The cause of the problem was that one of the rocket’s legs collapsed as it tried to land on a floating ocean barge.
       The rocket company had managed a historic first controlled return of an orbital stage last month. This footage of the landing was posted online by SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk.
With Chinese nuclear and conventional submarine hunters regularly popping up in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR)
       With Chinese nuclear and conventional submarine hunters regularly popping up in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), India now begun to deploy its latest long-range maritime patrol aircraft as well as spy drones at its forward military base in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
       According to defence ministry two of the country’s most potent submarine hunters/killers, the naval Poseidon-8I aircraft, are just about to complete their first-ever two-week deployment to the strategically-located Andaman and Nicobar archipelago.
YouTube Returns to Pakistan after Three-Year Ban
       After over three years of being told to ‘Surf safely’, Internet users in the country were able to access the popular video-sharing website, YouTube, following orders from the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) that the website be unblocked.
Chinese scientists have developed a new bio-artificial liver
       Chinese scientists have developed a new bio-artificial liver that can help patients to survive from liver failure long enough for an organ transplant.
       It has been developed by team of researchers from the Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences and doctors from Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital.
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly has tweeted a photo of the first ever flower (Zinnia) grown in space
       The first flower has finally bloomed in outer space. NASA astronaut Scott Kelly has tweeted a photo of the first ever flower (Zinnia) grown in space.
       The flower was grown as part of an experiment astronauts are conducting on how plants grow in microgravity. Besides the flower, the team also grew lettuce in space, after a failed first attempt.
A mosquito-borne virus called Zinka was found that the virus is spreading rapidly through the American continent
       A mosquito-borne virus called Zinka was found that the virus is spreading rapidly through the American continent. The first case was confirmed in Texas, USA in January 2016 when a traveler returning from Latin America.
The Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) successfully test-fired Nag anti-tank missile
       The Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) successfully test-fired Nag anti-tank missile at the Mahajan Field Firing Range in Rajasthan.
       The test was conducted during a night trial to validate the enhanced 4-km range capability of Imaging-Infrared seeker, which guides the missile to the target after its launch.
       During the test, the Thermal Target System (TTS) was used as target for the missile. The TTS simulated a target similar to an operational tank as thermal mapping from tank to TTS was carried out for generating thermal signature.
China has begun preparations for a new lunar mission in 2018
       China has begun preparations for a new lunar mission in 2018. It has planned to send a probe to the dark side of the moon not explored by humans so far. The far side of the moon is never visible to Earth because of gravitational forces and has never been explored.
       The Chang’e-4 probe will be the first mission in human history to embark on this expedition. China already boasts mature science and technology for sending a probe to the far side of the moon, and is open to cooperation with international society.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has declared that its spacecraft Juno has broken the Solar Power Distance Record.
       National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has declared that its spacecraft Juno has broken the Solar Power Distance Record. The solar powered spacecraft of NASA named Juno broke the previous record of travelling farthest distance set by Rosetta spacecraft of the European Space Agency.
       NASA’s Juno travelled 793 million kilometer to break this record on January 13, 2016. Before this, Rosetta spacecraft of the European Space Agency travelled till 792 million kilometers.
The Coast Guards of India and Japan conducted their 15th joint exercise off the coast of Chennai.
       The Coast Guards of India and Japan conducted their 15th joint exercise off the coast of Chennai. India’s Coast Guard vessel Samudra Pehredar and the Japanese vessel Echigo were berthed at Chennai Port for the bilateral training called Sahyog-Kaijin 2016.
       The highlight of the joint exercise was anti-piracy. However, search and rescue operations and interoperability between the two forces was also given emphasis.
       The exercise also involved Indian coast guard ships like Rajkamal, Vishwast, Rajtarang, Hovercraft, C-415, C-417, one Dornier and one Chetak helicopter.
DRDO test fired its indigenously developed, fire-and-forget anti-tank missile, Nag
       DRDO has test fired its indigenously developed, fire-and-forget anti-tank missile, Nag. It successfully hit the target 4 km away during a night trial in the Mahajan Field Firing Range, Rajasthan.
       DRDO used the Thermal Target System (TTS) developed by a defence laboratory at Jodhpur as target for the missile during the test fire of Nag anti-tank missile. Thermal Target System (TTS) imitated the target similar to operational tank. This was possible as thermal mapping from tank to TTS was carried out for generating thermal signature.
IMD changed the languages and also redefined many of its terms
        The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has changed the languages and also redefined many of its terms to make the interface more audience friendly and fill the communication with civil administration. 
        An official notification has been issued by the India Meteorological Department which lists out some new terms and redefined others, thus, doing away with the outdated language.
An international team of scientists devised a new method, galacto seismology, to detect dwarf galaxies dominated by dark matter
        An international team of scientists led by Indian-American Sukanya Chakrabarti devised a new method, galactoseismology, to detect dwarf galaxies dominated by dark matter. The method also explains ripples on the outer disk of the galaxy.
        Sukanya Chakrabarti, an assistant professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, presented her findings at a press conference hosted by the American Astronomical Society meeting in Kissimmee on 7 January 2016.
DRDO developed a new ammunition for India’s main battle tank Arjun
        Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed a new ammunition for India’s main battle tank Arjun. The new ammunition is more destructive than the previous one and was successfully test fired at Chandipur in Odisha.
        The new Penetration-Cum Blast (PCB) and Thermobaric (TB) Ammunition is specially designed for Arjun.
        The research was carried out by DRDO’s two labs located in Pashan Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE) and High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL).
BSF launched ‘Operation Cold’ along the international border
        Border Security Force (BSF) has launched ‘Operation Cold’ along the international border in Rajasthan covering Sriganganagar, Bikaner, Barmer and Jaisalmer that will continue till January 30.
        The Operation Cold was launched to contain any infiltration or intrusion from Pakistan in fog and cold wave weather conditions in the western desert.
        The Operation that was scheduled for January 17 has been preponed in view of the Pathankot terror attack and the high security alert in the country ahead of the Republic Day.
Astronomers have detected a massive, sprawling, churning galaxy cluster
        Astronomers have detected a massive, sprawling, churning galaxy cluster about 1,000 times more massive than our Milky Way galaxy that formed only 3.8 billion years after the Big Bang.
        The early universe was a chaotic mess of gas and matter that only began to coalesce into distinct galaxies hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang. It would take several billion more years for such galaxies to assemble into massive galaxy clusters.
Scientists at the University of Leicester developed viruses that could halt the decline of ‘Muga’ caterpillar
        Scientists at the University of Leicester have developed viruses that could halt the decline of ‘Muga’ caterpillar in India which produces one of the finest silks in the world.
        Muga caterpillars, which produce a highly valuable silk, are dying from bacterial infections, in Assam.
India is keen to promote operational oceanography
        Government is keen to promote operational oceanography since it plays an important role in translating the benefits of science for the common public, Y S Chowdary, Minister of State for Science, Technology & Earth Sciences revealed.
        A few examples being potential fishing zones advisories to fishermen, ocean state forecasts for mariners, tsunami and storm surge early warnings among others, the minister was quoted as saying by an official release.
India and France started their eight-day counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency joint exercise Shakti-2016 in Rajasthan
        India and France started their eight-day counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency joint exercise Shakti-2016 in Rajasthan. This is the third edition in the series of bilateral exercises under this banner and is being held in Mahajan Field Firing Ranges in Rajasthan's Bikaner.
Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) corvette INS Kadmatt has been commission in the Indian Navy
        Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) corvette INS Kadmatt has been commission in the Indian Navy by Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral R K Dhowan at naval dockyard in Visakhapatnam
        It is the second ship of Project 28 (P28) class ASW corvettes and is the latest ship after Shivalik class, Kolkata class and INS Kamorta.
The Indian space agency is soon opening a 100-acre Space Park in Bengaluru
        The Indian space agency is soon opening a 100-acre Space Park in Bengaluru where private industry players would be allowed to set up facilities to make subsystems and components for satellites.
        The Space Park is coming up near Whitefield for the private industry. Indian Space Research Centre’s (ISRO) satellite centre director M. Annadurai revealed that the space park will be inaugurated in January.
        The space agency is already planning the Aditya satellite project which involves launching a satellite to study solar coronograph, and Chandrayaan-2, the sequel to Isro’s Chandrayaan-1, which was launched in October 2008.
Scientists have revolutionised the world’s largest database for cancer drug discovery by adding 3D structures
        Scientists have revolutionised the world’s largest database for cancer drug discovery by adding 3D structures of faulty proteins and maps of cancer’s communication networks, paving the way for more effective treatments.
ISRO all the seven satellites of IRNSS are expected to be in the orbit by March 2016
        Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) all the seven satellites of Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) are expected to be in the orbit by March 2016. IRNSS-1E is slated for launch from the space port of Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.
        Earlier ISRO launched four satellites. Another satellite IRNSS-1E is on the launch pad. It is slated for launch.
ARDE successfully test-fired Pinaka II multi barrel rocket launcher (MBRL) System.
        Amament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE) test-fired Pinaka II multi barrel rocket launcher (MBRL) System.
        The three-day long user assisted trials were conducted at Pokhran in Rajasthan.
China starts first nuclear reactor in ethnic minority region
        The first nuclear power plant located in one of China’s ethnic autonomous regions has began commercial operations of its first reactor that will cut coal burning and CO2 emissions and can create upto 64,0000 jobs annually.
        The first reactor of the Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region can supply 24 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a day, catering to the needs of a medium-sized city.
LRSAM test-fired from INS Kolkata
        Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LRSAM), the missile co-developed by India and Israel, was successfully test-fired on the Western Sea Board. The missile was fired from INS Kolkata and it successfully intercepted an aerial target at extended ranges.
        The test-fire was jointly carried out by the Indian Navy, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Israel Aerospace Industries.
Japanese recognized for discovering element 113
        A Japanese team has received official credit for the discovery of element 113, making the group the first in Asia to have its accomplishments enshrined in the periodic table.

        The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry certified that a team led by Kosuke Morita at government-affiliated research institute Riken discovered the element.

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